Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Pantawid Gutom" Foods Below Php100.00 (Part I)

I am not really picky when it comes to food (establishment wise). As long as there is proper sanitation practice, no dog meat and bloody content (which is against my religion -FYI), then i'm good to go.

Here are my top 5 bets for the best snacks/meals where you can make your stomach calm without causing riot in your finances:

Note: If you have certain types of allergies, make sure to check the ingredients first before making any orders. Hospital food are safe and free but your bills are not. Unless you are finding an excuse to exhaust your corporate health plan or simply wanted to max-out your SL's, then I might instruct you to just go ahead.

Now back to our topic:

Pap-pa-ra-pa-pa-pa, love ko ang McDo!

Mc Donalds - Starting from Php50.00, you can enjoy a variety of rice and burger meals with  small sized drink. They also give annual Chinese Ampaos with "galanteng" discounts on their bestsellers.


Jollibee - Jollibee 39-rs (Php39.00), feeding hungry students and job seekers since it was launched! Need I say more? Okay, palabok is still the best among the rest (as per my tastebuds). :))

LeyLam Shawarma

Leylam - My boyfriend and I cannot live a week without a dose of LeyLam Shawarma Rice with egg (sunny-side-up, please). For only Php69.00, you can fill-in your medium sized hunger with this. The problem is, it can get a bit too addicting! Not convinced? Go try it for yourself and see how its magic sauce appeals to you. 

Jamaican Pattie in Chessy Beef

Jamaican Pattie - Craving for beef, but you're afraid of ordering a bowl of beef salsa just to end up having one with too much beans on it? Visit Jamaican Pattie stalls scattered around the Metro. From Php45.00, you can choose from their beef or chicken filled patties ranging from cheesy to spicy hot flavah'! Another thing is that you may eat this anywhere you please. Just be careful for its fillings tend to be a bit too hot (literally / temperature wise) sometimes and its pastry scatters when you take a bite.

White Hat Plain Yougurt

White Hat - If you are not into heavy or medium sized meals and not craving for anything sweets either. Your best bet? Fro-yo! Aside from the fact that it is teeming with good bacteria, it also has that a great "Yakult" like taste that will surely bring back those childhood memories. Prices starts at Php95.00 and above.

That's it for my top 5. I'll be posting a "Part II" pretty soon. If you have any suggestions in mind, please do not hesitate to inform me by posting a comment below or sending it to my gmail account. :)


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